Testimonies of Our Ministry
“These signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new languages; they will take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it will in no way hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”
(Mark 16:17 -18)
These verses describe the ministry of believers as they obey Jesus’ instructions and continue His ministry today. Here, we report some testimonies of healings, miracles, signs, and wonders the Lord has performed in our church and ministry.
Not all these testimonies have not been medically confirmed and were the opinion of those who gave them. We have permission to publish them.
Many of these healing testimonies relate to:
- Prayers by our Pastor, Maurizio Mingardi, for members of our congregation during Sunday Services and at other times.
- Answers to prayers by our members.
- Results of the Biblical principles taught and material produced on divine healing and the supernatural ministry of believers
We give glory to God and show that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8)
These results are not typical for everybody, and Divine Healing depends on spiritual factors that cannot be reproduced.
We believe that God’s Will is to save and heal everybody but not everybody is saved or healed. Further, healing can take place in many different ways and it can also be lost. The study of Biblical healing accounts can help us to understand and improve our results.
All information on this website is not to be construed as advice or instruction in medicine or medical treatment. Bible healing is not intended to replace medical treatment.
How My Healing Ministry Started –
Full-Gospel Businessmen Fellowship Meeting – 1974
I will never forget that day. At the time I was Vice-President of the Ottawa Chapter if the Full-Gospel Businessmen Fellowship. After the meeting, an older gentleman came for prayer. He was the father of one of our members. It was the first time that he came to our meetings. His face was distorted by the pain. He told me that he was suffering from angina. As I prayed he fell under the power of the Holy Spirit and when he came back, I helped him to stand up again. That was when he said: “What did you do to me? Did you hypnotize me?” I explained that it was the work of the Holy Spirit and that God wanted to heal him. Then I asked how he was feeling. That was when he realized that all the pain had gone and that he was feeling fine. When he came to the meeting he was not a believer, so I guided him to pray to accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior. He followed me in prayer. After that day he regularly came to our meetings and the pain never came back.
Pastor Maurizio